Cricket Wireless Amphitheater 8.27.08

01 15 Step
02 Airbag
03 There There
04 All I Need
05 Nude
06 Talk Show Host
07 Where I End and You Begin
08 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
09 The Gloaming
10 Faust Arp
11 How to Disappear Completely
12 Reckoner
13 Optimistic
14 Jigsaw Falling Into Place
15 Pyramid Song
16 Climbing Up the Walls
17 Bodysnatchers
Encore 1:
18 House of Cards
19 You and Whose Army?
20 Just
21 Paranoid Android
22 Street Spirit
Encore 2:
23 Videotape
24 Lucky
25 Everything In Its Right Place
EVERYTHING IN ITS RIGHT PLACE: Radiohead rock the 'Crick'
"Everything In Its Right Place," Radiohead's final encore at its sold-out Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre concert last night, was transcendent in more ways than one.
As Thom Yorke performed the song (a highlight from Radiohead's mind-bending 2000 masterwork, "Kid A") with drummer Phil Selway and bassist Colin Greenwood, guitarists Jonny Greenwood and Ed O'Brien both crouched on stage, the better to manipulate various electronic effects pedals and add to the atmospheric vibe. While crouching, the two guitarists also created a loop of the song, which played on even after Yorke thanked the capacity audience of 19,692. Many fans were still listening to the loop a few minutes later, as the members of Radiohead quietly departed on two tour buses for their concert tonight in Santa Barbara.
The concert, which got off to a muddled start -- sonically speaking -- with "15 Step" and "Airbag," quickly got into gear by its third selection, "There There." From that point on, this maverick English band's five members relied on teamwork, not showboating, to soar from peak to peak. (Click below to watch a vintage TV performance of "Airbag").
The 25-song concert featured a generous assortment of material from Radiohead's revolutionary 2007 album, "In Rainbows," for which fans were invited last year to pay as much, or as little, as they wished. Many at the time chose to pay nothing at all, although the price for CD copies of "In Rainbows" at Wednesday's concert were priced at a non-negotiable $10 (which is still a bargain in our book). Intriguingly, at least for Radiohead diehards like yours truly, no fewer than 13 of the songs performed clocked in at exactly 5 minutes, each.
Not surprisingly for a concert by one of the most adventurous and acclaimed rock bands of the past 20 years, Wednesday's concert attracted a number of notable San Diego musicians. They included ex-Frank Zappa guitar wiz Mike Keneally (who caught both of Radiohead's Hollywood Bowl concerts earlier this week and will be in Santa Barbara for tonight's show), along with The Album Leaf's Drew Andrews. "I've never seen Radiohead live before and this exceeded all my expectations," Andrews said.
Appearing before a loudly enthusiastic audience of 19,692 fans, Radiohead performed a total of 25 selections, including a generous array of tracks from "In Rainbows," and two songs -- "Just" and "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" -- from the band's second album, 1995's "The Bends." The fact that an especially charged "Paranoid Android" was spontaneously performed in between helped heighten their impact.
Perhaps the only really disappointing aspect of the concert was the location of our seats, which was the lawn area. The stage was but a speak from my view but the sound was obviously still amazing. And also I was hoping to hear more from OK Computer but I guess I can hope and wait for that the next time they come to town.
Slowly everything, in its right, will be place where it should be, for me or for yourself..remember that stress and fustrations can catch you sucking a lemon but you will always have today to make things right.
Amplive - Video Tapez (ft. The Funky Homosapien).Mp3
Radiohead - Talk Show Host.Mp3
Radiohead - House of Cards.Mp3
Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place.Mp3