Isn't it funny how time and age is measured on a forward scale yet we live in cycles? Daily progression institutes change but the routines and cycles revolve in circles? Is that how life was meant to be lived, doing things over and over? But perhaps that is the blueprint of human life, to follow in the footprints of those who have come before us. They have left trails and paths for us to follow and not get lost and offtrack. Call me unconventional but I thrive on the setting fresh and original impressions, these prints are comfortably fitted for my feet.
The Capsules - The Cycles Starts Again Kate Nash - Dickhead.Mp3Rogue Wave - Lake Michigan.Mp3The Dodos - Park Song.Mp3Hot Chip - The Warning.Mp3Arctic Monkeys - 505.Mp3Cut Copy - Lights & Music (Boys Noize Happy Birthday Remix).Mp3Taken By Trees - Tell Me.Mp3Regina Spektor - Fidelity.Mp3

I'm hoping this is what my ride will look like when it's put together.