i so hope this sweltering heat isn't the face of summer..i freakin hate this weather, where's the gloomy clouds at?? i guess the best part of this is the late warm summer nights hangin' out with your friends but it would be nice to have a gray day once i a while.. So this past weekend was kinda nice, saw some old, some new, and some favorite faces. The weekend start last thursday when I went to Fingerprints Records to catch Grand Ole Party which was amazing like i thought it would be.. every show i've seen this year has not disappoint me YET. following that a little drinking in LA @
la cita it was alright, i thought it was a bigger version of memphis bar, costa mesa. And on friday was that "posse on broadway" in downtown santa ana, that was pretty cool. I haven't been to
proof for a while and many old faces came out to chill so that was good, no drama just laughing and stuttering..i guess just me..haha Saturday and Sunday I hung out with my sister and her bf which was nice ..our family ties are going stronger by the day.
Anyway, whats going on this week..
Hercules And Love Affair :: These guys are going to be touring soon, so go check them out
07/23 Los Angeles, CA - The Echo
07/25 San Diego, CA - Casbah
07/26 San Francisco, CA - Mezzanine
08/08 New York, NY - The Fillmore At Irving Plaza
Hercules And Love Affair - Blind.Mp3Sorry i've been kinda lagging on the new music, but definitely wait til my next post..a lot of new shit is coming..so keep an eye out!! for now go out and go crazy!!