I'm so excited for the release of Metric's new album, seems like they still got there metric sound along with some growth in concept and thinking. Emily Haines is still one of my all time favorites, shes amazing. She's so raw and real and is just like one of us, seeking to pave the path of her life.
Metric - Help, I'm Alive.Mp3
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Setting mySelfish Straight

Nearly a whole season has drifted on by like nobody's business. At times I have found myself carelessly flowing with the currents and forgetting to obtain stability and establishing maturity. As the clock continues to tick so do the counters of my life, and I still find it very difficult to not repeats counts instead of counting forward. After years and years of experiences, lessons, and understanding, there always seem to be new challenges and obstacles that put us at a stand still. And at this stop sign we stop to think and to formulate a solution to prevail and to move on, but when does it ever go according to plan? No one can really give an exact outcome of a situation, we can only we predict and hope for the best. And in hoping it builds anxiety, a feeling that can fluctuate dramatically. We always hope for most fitting outcome for ourselves, but when the effects are not so great in our favor we get this devastating pain in within ourselves. Is it really the aftermath of the problem or is it then let down of the built up expectations that you had for yourself? It takes great discipline and control to regulate these feelings, it's easier said than done obviously. But once you can decipher your emotions and the actuality of reality than you will eventually assess the notion of composure. As you get older you implore the perception of being selfish, selfishness will help guide you in your chosen direction. The term might seem a little hasty and bold but it's real, truth of the matter is that one must concentrate on one self's goal and principles in order to progress as beings of society and life. The paradox of this is concept is that often people get consume by it and begin to conceive the thoughts of everything revolving around them and anything that does that benefit them is nothing worth noting. I find myself assuming many things when I am not exactly sure of certain circumstances, it's a hard habit to kick. At times when we begin to immensely worry about typical situations, are times that we begin to build this uneasy feeling of apprehension, uncertainty, and eventually jealousy. This feeling is fabricated not by the mystery of gray but by our own standard desire. The way I try to stray away from this is trying to recall the past feelings when I felt when I was wrong and screwed up still situations; it's a gut-wrenching feeling. "Assumptions are the mother of all fuck-ups." I must admit it is so f*cken difficult to not put so much weight and pressure on yourself; to presume so many different predicaments, often times it causes you to act and think irrationally. It's human nature to respond in certain ways but when you allow these sentiments to clutter our judgments you just place yourself a step back from maturing. Isn't that also funny because we're the only specie that can rationalize, if we lose control of that than what do we have left to differentiate us and others?

Anyway, in the present actuality, things have been cranking uphill and hopefully I continue lead myself in the right direction. It's weird cause I use "hope" a lot but I'm a realist but also an optimist, can we be both? So we are about 1/24 way through the new year and everything is starting to settle in its place. A long winter break to relax and chill, hanging out with friends and family, meeting new faces and personalities, and just a clean and refreshing start to a new year, a continuing self journey, and more life lessons.
Little Joy - The Next Time Around.Mp3
Corrine Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On.Mp3
CSS - Let's Reggae All Night.Mp3
Land of Talk - It's Okay.Mp3
Thievery Corporation - Sweet Tides.Mp3
Tokyo Police Club - Listen to the Math.Mp3
The Dodos - Red and Purple.Mp3
Architecture in Helsinki - Heart It Races.Mp3
The Capsules - The Cycles Starts Again
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Spell Check

Autumn carries with it a wave of change. Change in weather, change in color, and a change in demeanor. I mean during this time of year is when I buckle up and step on the throttle. Trying to keep focus on the things that i've been striving for during these quickly pasted 10 months. Days and weeks have been flying by like they were yesteryears. I still haven't figured if it is a good or bad thing but its something that I can't control so I roll in stride. I have to admit that I am not able to place a check mark on all the goals that I had set for myself this year. 10% lack of opportunity, 15% lack of money 25% lack of time, and 50% lack of committment or straight up being a lazy f*ck I realized something great about myself, making up excuses. Always something to say about something and hardly doing it to prove it. This blog is somewhat another form of an excuse, a channel for me to vent, but it's shine a light on what i've been trying to conceal. It puts into prospective the things I need to improve on and closes the door on the things I need to move on from. Words and phrases can only pave way through so much, what will I do when I am flustered in cluster of fragmented parts without spell check?
..the living/learning process continues
On a lighter note, the last quarter of the year brings many beautiful days and holidays..and the next one up is halloween. Halloween isn't one of my favorite days but its fun i guess. I guess it allows anyone to be anyone and act however they want, which i find kinda stupid. I don't know why I don't like this holiday but I just dont. haha lots of reason to that answer. Either way gonna kick it with the people that do like halloween and i guess ima dress up as a shitface, can't go wrong that, right? haha so thats fun friday and saturday is lets see whats up and roll with the punches. Sunday will be recovering day for the great week ahead. Going to see Lykke Li (http://www.myspace.com/lykkeli) on Monday at the El Rey in Los Angeles. And then on Wednesday, one of my very favorite singer/songwriter/actress, very talented, and one of the most classy and sassy girls ever, beautiful and intriguing, Zooey Deschanel of She & Him ww.myspace.com/sheandhim @ the House of Blues in Anaheim. It will be very exciting given the fact that i have not been to either venues, so 2 more to add to the list. Anyone is welcome to come with us if you can still get tix.. Anywho enjoy the set of songs below. Have a great & safe halloween. Time to make like hippie and peace, unless you're a homeless hippie who just fucken lounges around being a lazy fuck and wasting our tax money to transport you to unliked corners of the country..jk hahah

::Songs of the Moment::
Thievery Corporation - Beautiful Drug
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1865263
Reefer - May Baleen
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1865290
Lykke Li - Let It Fall
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1865300
She & Him - I Should Have Known Beter
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1865327
Alphabeat - Boyfriend (The Bloody Beatroots Remix)
M.I.A - Bucky Done Gun (Manz+Futurecop! Remix)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1865340
The Morning Benders - Dreams (Fleetwood Mac Cover)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1865337
a couple more..
Yelle - Tristesse/Joie (Acoustic Version)
Ivana XL - Sweetie Pie
Ivana XL - Nobody Does It Better
Monday, October 20, 2008
McBama vs Ocain
And so the deadline to vote for this presidential election is today, Monday Oct. 20th so go print the form and send it in before he mail man gets here. This is going to my first election where I am applying my right and I am somewhat excited. It's not because this might be a historical election, or that I am voting because others are voting, its just the personal acknowledgement/satisfaction that I went out and initiated the effort to voice my opinion. There are many issues in life that are presented before us which call for an opinion or personal insight..and some of us might feel strongly about certain issue but what is that opinion worth if there is not backbone to it? Not just about political issues and whatnot but about all things in general. I hate to admitt it but sometimes I talk alot, and feel like I know plenty but often times I don't do much to justify and vindicate my conceptions. That can said about my things that we encounter in life..we all feel we know something about everything but realistic you dont know shit son.. The way i see it is that you much take action, may it be physical or mental.. possibly what you do or say might not make a difference but the ambitious act will get the ball rolling towards a direction of self and self development.. Back to this whole election thing, it doesn't really matter who you vote for, either Obama or McCain, at least you are voicing your opinion. The outcome may not favor you, but thats a fact of life..you don't get everything you want in life but its what you've done to try to get there. And when you've done all you can to comprise conditions or sway situations and it still doesn't flow in your favor you can still step back and say it was a good day.
::Songs of the Moment::
Band of Horses - Our Swords
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849408
Radiohead - Reckoner
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849412
Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am (Live on WERS)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849416
Bon Iver - Flume (Daytrotter Session)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849420
Santogold - Hometown Glory (Adele Live Lounge Cover)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849423
Adele - Hometown Glory
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849441
Yelle - Tristesse/Joie (Acoustic)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849445
The Ting Tings - Great DJ (Acoustic)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849452
Lykke Li - Dance, Dance, Dance (Chaise Marcel Remix)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849463
Rock the Vote!
::Songs of the Moment::
Band of Horses - Our Swords
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849408
Radiohead - Reckoner
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849412
Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am (Live on WERS)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849416
Bon Iver - Flume (Daytrotter Session)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849420
Santogold - Hometown Glory (Adele Live Lounge Cover)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849423
Adele - Hometown Glory
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849441
Yelle - Tristesse/Joie (Acoustic)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849445
The Ting Tings - Great DJ (Acoustic)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849452
Lykke Li - Dance, Dance, Dance (Chaise Marcel Remix)
Mp3: http://www.savefile.com/files/1849463
Rock the Vote!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Little Things

There she was, walking down the street, looking classy and sassy with her classic fedora hat look..i stood and stared with great admiration and appreciation..what do say or do with you are face to face with the person(s) you greatly admire, do you get overly excited and act a fool? We sometimes are engaged in the presence of greatness either intentionally, sporadically, or unexpectedly. What do we take from the encounters of life and people, do you stare in awe and wish that it were you? Its hard not to get caught up in the moment of anything and anywhere but its what you take from and how to incorporate it into your life and on journey. I try to immerse in the great moments of life and take in all the little things that led me to these pinnacle points, for its the roads that we forget about. When things get shaky, don't be in such a hurry to resolve the dilemma without precautions..you need repair the little cracks of the foundation so the same problem doesnt reoccur. Its the little things that we easily seems to miss cause we are in such a hurry to do this and that, to go here and there, and we lose sight of whats clear.
Its the little things that i've come to appreciate even more than all the shines and shimers. Its the sunday morning/afternoon drives along the coast, its the sunny days with a gentle cool breeze, its assessibility of downloading all and any my favorite music albums, its the giggling and laughing from my little cousins in the early morning trying to wake me up to play with them, its the food that my grandma leaves out for me when i home late, its the thursday night at starbucks with great company and conversation, its the waking up early everyday just for the hell of it. All these things and so much more are all but little significance to me and my journey.
So a word not from the wise but from the an empirical person, wake on a monday morning and take a minute to consider how you want the day or week to go, not how you think its going go. Give yourself a minute to comprehend that you're living the week, and the we(a)k doesn't run you. No matter how stressed you might think that week will be, know that you're the one in control and not the objectives at hand..when you are feeling overwhelmed or ahead yourself, literally take a step back and break down the little things that are cause the problem and fix it. Don't ignore it because its still going to be there the next day until it gets resolved. Daily growing takes watering, nurturing, and sometimes just flat out subtlety.
Arsenal - Estupendo.Mp3
Metric - London Halflife.Mp3
Thao Nguyen - Beat (Health, Life, & Fire).Mp3
Husky Rescue - Sweet Little Kitten.Mp3
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Do you ever wake up suddenly from your sleep and have the feeling that you are late to get up for something? And as you sit up and let your body direct you into your daily routine, you glance over at the clock and it reads 6:42..what the fuck? Yeaa..that happens very often for me, almost everday..this is very weird habit that i have developed. I don't know if it from all the times that i have set my alarm at that time(hoping to get up after the 2nd snooze) but now its pretty much permanent in the clock in my head. No matter how early or late i sleep the night before, I will most likely be possess to emerge from my sleep at 6:42 or 6:43.. and if im lucky i'll be able to fall back sleep for another hour; if not, then ill be lying there thinking about what it would be like sleeping right now..hahah shit dude, whats wrong with me? I guess some would say its a good habit, i guess i've become one of those people to say so. But it sucks sometimes when i'm partying the night before and get fucked up..ill still wake up around that time and feeling like shit, due the lack of time to sleep off the intoxications in my body. We'll in general its not so bad to start the day off early, its better to be an early bird and seize the day, then to be a vampire and be white and suck, har har..
I'm beginning to savor the little things and the limited time that i'm available to now a day, it's not so bad to get up early to recapture a couple of hours that are eaten up from the "studying" that i do hahah yeaa..
And a couple of weeks have gone by without any major complications and distractions, so i'm proud to say that i'm still strolling down the initial road that i've set myself on. There will be times that you might feel that things are too good and so stready that you might want to stir it up with something venturesome, just make sure that you are aware of the full effects of the matter and that it won't veer you off course or set you back. Remember that time doesn't stand still for you, it will move on with or without you.
Upcoming Events:

Lykke Li - Nov. 3 @ the El Rey, Los Angeles tix!!

She & Him - Nov. 5 @ the House of Blues, Anaheim tix!!
Jenny Lewis - Godspeed.Mp3
Vampire Weekend - Exit Music(For a Film, Radiohead Cover).Mp3
Jem - It's Amazing.Mp3
Peter Bjorn & John - Let's Call It Off (Girl Talk Remix).Mp3
MGMT - Kids (Soulwax Remix).Mp3
John Legend feat. Andre 3000 - Green Light (Diplo Dade County 1988 Mix).Mp3
Santogold feat. M.I.A. & Gorilla Zoe - Get It Up.Mp3
Kanye West - Love Lockdown.Mp3
I'm beginning to savor the little things and the limited time that i'm available to now a day, it's not so bad to get up early to recapture a couple of hours that are eaten up from the "studying" that i do hahah yeaa..
And a couple of weeks have gone by without any major complications and distractions, so i'm proud to say that i'm still strolling down the initial road that i've set myself on. There will be times that you might feel that things are too good and so stready that you might want to stir it up with something venturesome, just make sure that you are aware of the full effects of the matter and that it won't veer you off course or set you back. Remember that time doesn't stand still for you, it will move on with or without you.
Upcoming Events:

Lykke Li - Nov. 3 @ the El Rey, Los Angeles tix!!

She & Him - Nov. 5 @ the House of Blues, Anaheim tix!!
Jenny Lewis - Godspeed.Mp3
Vampire Weekend - Exit Music(For a Film, Radiohead Cover).Mp3
Jem - It's Amazing.Mp3
Peter Bjorn & John - Let's Call It Off (Girl Talk Remix).Mp3
MGMT - Kids (Soulwax Remix).Mp3
John Legend feat. Andre 3000 - Green Light (Diplo Dade County 1988 Mix).Mp3
Santogold feat. M.I.A. & Gorilla Zoe - Get It Up.Mp3
Kanye West - Love Lockdown.Mp3
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Old Habits Die Hard
Here we go again, reacting without a plan, or had the plan gone way sour? Or it could be that the specifics of the design were not made for the purpose. Sometimes we try too hard, we aimlessly drift far away from the mark and soon it will be too difficult to veer back on course; was it the road that we chose or the lack of preparation. Or it could just be the nasty habits that you thought you've kicked, are still dragging at your feet? So when this effort of change is initiated will all the excess mess be left in the dust? I find it still very difficult to get rid of some of the urges and temptations that lead you down the wrong path in the first place and in a slight instant, that common scent of sweetness, so familiar but so gut wrenching, which leads to a bitter after taste. All that you try to control and had control of could be fucked up in an insignificant minute. I'm assuming that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and once you learn to bite the bullet , there won't be anymore tunnels.
But to lighten the mood I am excited to say that I will be catching Jenny Lewis at the Spaceland in Los Angeles, if not tomorrow for sure at the Echo. I'm sure that she will be playing tracks from her new album "Acid Tongue" So if you a Jenny fan, come to spaceland, tickets are selling at the door for $15..but im sure that you need to be at least an hour early.
It's a nice day to take a downtown and be capsulated by the cities lights. I think we have one more spot if someone wants to roll by 530pm today...so for now im over and outta this bitch.

Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue.Mp3
JayZ ft. Notorious BIG - Allure (Ratatat Remix).Mp3
M.I.A. ft. Timbaland - Come Around.Mp3
Peter Bjorn & John - Let’s Call It Off (Girl Talk Remix).Mp3
Lykke Li - Little Bit.Mp3
The Kooks - Kids (MGMT Cover).Mp3
Have a safe and pleasant weekend everyone!
But to lighten the mood I am excited to say that I will be catching Jenny Lewis at the Spaceland in Los Angeles, if not tomorrow for sure at the Echo. I'm sure that she will be playing tracks from her new album "Acid Tongue" So if you a Jenny fan, come to spaceland, tickets are selling at the door for $15..but im sure that you need to be at least an hour early.
It's a nice day to take a downtown and be capsulated by the cities lights. I think we have one more spot if someone wants to roll by 530pm today...so for now im over and outta this bitch.

Jenny Lewis - Acid Tongue.Mp3
JayZ ft. Notorious BIG - Allure (Ratatat Remix).Mp3
M.I.A. ft. Timbaland - Come Around.Mp3
Peter Bjorn & John - Let’s Call It Off (Girl Talk Remix).Mp3
Lykke Li - Little Bit.Mp3
The Kooks - Kids (MGMT Cover).Mp3
Have a safe and pleasant weekend everyone!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Everything In Its Right Place
Radiohead - House of Cards (Hollywood Bowl 8.24)
Cricket Wireless Amphitheater 8.27.08

01 15 Step
02 Airbag
03 There There
04 All I Need
05 Nude
06 Talk Show Host
07 Where I End and You Begin
08 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
09 The Gloaming
10 Faust Arp
11 How to Disappear Completely
12 Reckoner
13 Optimistic
14 Jigsaw Falling Into Place
15 Pyramid Song
16 Climbing Up the Walls
17 Bodysnatchers
Encore 1:
18 House of Cards
19 You and Whose Army?
20 Just
21 Paranoid Android
22 Street Spirit
Encore 2:
23 Videotape
24 Lucky
25 Everything In Its Right Place
EVERYTHING IN ITS RIGHT PLACE: Radiohead rock the 'Crick'
"Everything In Its Right Place," Radiohead's final encore at its sold-out Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre concert last night, was transcendent in more ways than one.
As Thom Yorke performed the song (a highlight from Radiohead's mind-bending 2000 masterwork, "Kid A") with drummer Phil Selway and bassist Colin Greenwood, guitarists Jonny Greenwood and Ed O'Brien both crouched on stage, the better to manipulate various electronic effects pedals and add to the atmospheric vibe. While crouching, the two guitarists also created a loop of the song, which played on even after Yorke thanked the capacity audience of 19,692. Many fans were still listening to the loop a few minutes later, as the members of Radiohead quietly departed on two tour buses for their concert tonight in Santa Barbara.
The concert, which got off to a muddled start -- sonically speaking -- with "15 Step" and "Airbag," quickly got into gear by its third selection, "There There." From that point on, this maverick English band's five members relied on teamwork, not showboating, to soar from peak to peak. (Click below to watch a vintage TV performance of "Airbag").
The 25-song concert featured a generous assortment of material from Radiohead's revolutionary 2007 album, "In Rainbows," for which fans were invited last year to pay as much, or as little, as they wished. Many at the time chose to pay nothing at all, although the price for CD copies of "In Rainbows" at Wednesday's concert were priced at a non-negotiable $10 (which is still a bargain in our book). Intriguingly, at least for Radiohead diehards like yours truly, no fewer than 13 of the songs performed clocked in at exactly 5 minutes, each.
Not surprisingly for a concert by one of the most adventurous and acclaimed rock bands of the past 20 years, Wednesday's concert attracted a number of notable San Diego musicians. They included ex-Frank Zappa guitar wiz Mike Keneally (who caught both of Radiohead's Hollywood Bowl concerts earlier this week and will be in Santa Barbara for tonight's show), along with The Album Leaf's Drew Andrews. "I've never seen Radiohead live before and this exceeded all my expectations," Andrews said.
Appearing before a loudly enthusiastic audience of 19,692 fans, Radiohead performed a total of 25 selections, including a generous array of tracks from "In Rainbows," and two songs -- "Just" and "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" -- from the band's second album, 1995's "The Bends." The fact that an especially charged "Paranoid Android" was spontaneously performed in between helped heighten their impact.
Perhaps the only really disappointing aspect of the concert was the location of our seats, which was the lawn area. The stage was but a speak from my view but the sound was obviously still amazing. And also I was hoping to hear more from OK Computer but I guess I can hope and wait for that the next time they come to town.
Slowly everything, in its right, will be place where it should be, for me or for yourself..remember that stress and fustrations can catch you sucking a lemon but you will always have today to make things right.
Amplive - Video Tapez (ft. The Funky Homosapien).Mp3
Radiohead - Talk Show Host.Mp3
Radiohead - House of Cards.Mp3
Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place.Mp3
Cricket Wireless Amphitheater 8.27.08

01 15 Step
02 Airbag
03 There There
04 All I Need
05 Nude
06 Talk Show Host
07 Where I End and You Begin
08 Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
09 The Gloaming
10 Faust Arp
11 How to Disappear Completely
12 Reckoner
13 Optimistic
14 Jigsaw Falling Into Place
15 Pyramid Song
16 Climbing Up the Walls
17 Bodysnatchers
Encore 1:
18 House of Cards
19 You and Whose Army?
20 Just
21 Paranoid Android
22 Street Spirit
Encore 2:
23 Videotape
24 Lucky
25 Everything In Its Right Place
EVERYTHING IN ITS RIGHT PLACE: Radiohead rock the 'Crick'
"Everything In Its Right Place," Radiohead's final encore at its sold-out Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre concert last night, was transcendent in more ways than one.
As Thom Yorke performed the song (a highlight from Radiohead's mind-bending 2000 masterwork, "Kid A") with drummer Phil Selway and bassist Colin Greenwood, guitarists Jonny Greenwood and Ed O'Brien both crouched on stage, the better to manipulate various electronic effects pedals and add to the atmospheric vibe. While crouching, the two guitarists also created a loop of the song, which played on even after Yorke thanked the capacity audience of 19,692. Many fans were still listening to the loop a few minutes later, as the members of Radiohead quietly departed on two tour buses for their concert tonight in Santa Barbara.
The concert, which got off to a muddled start -- sonically speaking -- with "15 Step" and "Airbag," quickly got into gear by its third selection, "There There." From that point on, this maverick English band's five members relied on teamwork, not showboating, to soar from peak to peak. (Click below to watch a vintage TV performance of "Airbag").
The 25-song concert featured a generous assortment of material from Radiohead's revolutionary 2007 album, "In Rainbows," for which fans were invited last year to pay as much, or as little, as they wished. Many at the time chose to pay nothing at all, although the price for CD copies of "In Rainbows" at Wednesday's concert were priced at a non-negotiable $10 (which is still a bargain in our book). Intriguingly, at least for Radiohead diehards like yours truly, no fewer than 13 of the songs performed clocked in at exactly 5 minutes, each.
Not surprisingly for a concert by one of the most adventurous and acclaimed rock bands of the past 20 years, Wednesday's concert attracted a number of notable San Diego musicians. They included ex-Frank Zappa guitar wiz Mike Keneally (who caught both of Radiohead's Hollywood Bowl concerts earlier this week and will be in Santa Barbara for tonight's show), along with The Album Leaf's Drew Andrews. "I've never seen Radiohead live before and this exceeded all my expectations," Andrews said.
Appearing before a loudly enthusiastic audience of 19,692 fans, Radiohead performed a total of 25 selections, including a generous array of tracks from "In Rainbows," and two songs -- "Just" and "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" -- from the band's second album, 1995's "The Bends." The fact that an especially charged "Paranoid Android" was spontaneously performed in between helped heighten their impact.
Perhaps the only really disappointing aspect of the concert was the location of our seats, which was the lawn area. The stage was but a speak from my view but the sound was obviously still amazing. And also I was hoping to hear more from OK Computer but I guess I can hope and wait for that the next time they come to town.
Slowly everything, in its right, will be place where it should be, for me or for yourself..remember that stress and fustrations can catch you sucking a lemon but you will always have today to make things right.
Amplive - Video Tapez (ft. The Funky Homosapien).Mp3
Radiohead - Talk Show Host.Mp3
Radiohead - House of Cards.Mp3
Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place.Mp3
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Summer Must Fall

The season has seem to come and go in a blink of an eye, don't you think? It's like waking up in the early, the morning haze is lingering and the gray of the clouds still paint the sky, and a cool and gentle breeze flutter in the atmosphere. But when 7 o'clock turns the corner to 8, in a blink of an eye, the burning sun slowly but instantly rips through the marine layer presenting us with another element. We can shut the blinds and shun away the new day, or you can embrace it with open arms and take on this incredible force of nature. Back to the topic at hand, fall is just around the bend, i am looking forward to the autumn weather for i have always enjoyed the chill more so than the heat. It's about time we all got back to the reality of hard work makes for good play, or deserving play? We'll I guess what i'm trying to say is that when you have the opportunity to do whatever and whenever you want the opportunity becomes somewhat repetitive and doesn't have as much hype as when you work hard all week and play on the weekend. I'm glad to be returning to school, hahaha 5 years ago i would not even have conjured that notion of being glad and somewhat excite to be going to school and learning, oh how time changes a person..i love it though. It has taken me many, many years to figure out this concept of progression, before i would think of summer as time to chillax, and cause havoc when it calls for..but now i feel summer is just a waiting line for me to get to the window and resolve my problem. I guess i could say it gives me time to recollect my thoughts and action plan for the upcoming obstacle. Our summers are slowly fading away but that doesn't mean the fun must end. For during the duration of the yearly calendar we will have time and space for the adventures and intermissions that will be well deserved for the hard work that we are committing to.
Human Highway - The Sound.Mp3
Human Highway - Get Lost.Mp3
Human Highway - Moody Motorcycle.Mp3
Crystal Castles - Death (remix of White Lies).Mp3
Mates of State - California (Phantom Planet Cover).Mp3
Black Kids - Partie Traumatic.Mp3
Hot Chip - One Pure Thought.Mp3
Friday, August 8, 2008
triple 8
T-minus 32 minutes 25 seconds until I am off on another adventure, another road trip, a trip out to the Arizona desert. It's been about a year since i've been over there, i can sense the same feeling from here, sweltering heat and dry air. This time I might get to see the Grand Canyon, it may be boring to many of you guys but I still want to see it sometime in my lifetime, it stupendously tremendous and a must see i say. This time we'll at least get to scout out the nightlife of these desert people, grab a few drinks here and there and see what happens, haha..anyway its been a long slow week but i'm trying to savor the moments for there won't be much left soon. It should be nice weekend here in orange county so get out and enjoy the last few weeks of summer with your loved ones and friends.
So if you're bore today, there this event going on in LA, @ La Brea Tar Pits:
Nike Sportswear presents 88BoaDrum featuring Boredoms at the La Brea Tar Pits- an unprecedented aural and visual experience.
Beginning precisely at 8:08 PM PST, the 88-minute experience at the historic La Brea Tar Pits will feature 88 drummers selected by Boredoms and 88BoaDrum artistic director, Hisham Bharoocha.
The experience will be commemorated with a very special complimentary Nike Sportswear 88BoaDrum NSW Tee collection. The NSW Tees will be hand-screened at each location with an original graphic of your choice, including designs created by Eye from Boredoms. This collection will be available exclusively on 8.8.08 and are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
until next time..i'm off to conquer the world
Chromeo - Fancy Footwork
Mystery Jets - Two Doors Down.Mp3
Zero 7 - In The Waiting Line
Bitter:Sweet - Take 2 Blue
So if you're bore today, there this event going on in LA, @ La Brea Tar Pits:
Nike Sportswear presents 88BoaDrum featuring Boredoms at the La Brea Tar Pits- an unprecedented aural and visual experience.
Beginning precisely at 8:08 PM PST, the 88-minute experience at the historic La Brea Tar Pits will feature 88 drummers selected by Boredoms and 88BoaDrum artistic director, Hisham Bharoocha.
The experience will be commemorated with a very special complimentary Nike Sportswear 88BoaDrum NSW Tee collection. The NSW Tees will be hand-screened at each location with an original graphic of your choice, including designs created by Eye from Boredoms. This collection will be available exclusively on 8.8.08 and are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
until next time..i'm off to conquer the world
Chromeo - Fancy Footwork
Mystery Jets - Two Doors Down.Mp3
Zero 7 - In The Waiting Line
Bitter:Sweet - Take 2 Blue
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